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Archivo de la etiqueta: Alphabet

Lección 1


We are going to learn the alphabet and the cardinal numbers
There are 26 letters in the American Alphabet


A: (ey)H: (eich)O: (ou)V: (vi)A: (ey)
B: (bi)I: (ay)P: (pi)W: (daobliu)E: (i)
C: (ci)J: (yei)Q: (kiu)X: (exs)I:  (ay)
D: (di)K: (key)R: (ar)Y: (uay)O: (ou)
E: (i)L: (el)S: (es)Z: (tzi)U: (iu)
F: (ef)M: (em)T: (ti)
G: (yi)N: (en)U: (iu)


   0. zero (tziro, ou)20. twenty (tuenti, tueni)
1. one (uán)21. twenty one (tuenti uán)
2. two (tú)22. twenty two (tuenti tú)
3. three (thri)23. twenty three (tuenti thri)
4. four (four)etc…
5. five (faiv)   30. thirty (thirty, thery)
6. six (sixs)   40. forty (forty, fori)
7. seven (seven)   50. fifty (fifti)
8. eight (eith)   60. sixty (sixti)
9. nine (nain)   70. seventy (seventi)
10. ten (ten)   80. eighty (eiti, eiri)
11. eleven (ileven)   90. ninety (naity, nairi)
12. twelve (twelf)   100. one hundred (uán jandred)
13. thirteen (thírtin)   101. one hundred one (uán jandred uán)
14. fourteen (fóurtin)   200. two hundred (tú jandred)
15. fifteen (fíftin)   1000. one thousand (uán thzauzand)
16. sixteen (síxtin)   1001. one thousand one (uán thzauzand uán)
17. seventeen (séventin)   2000. two thousand (tú thzauzand)
18. eighteen (eítin)   1000 000. one million (uán mílion)
19. nineteen (náintin)   1000 000 000. one billion (uán bílion)

Main Verbs

to be = ser / estar
to do = hacer
to have = tener / haber
can = poder (auxiliar)

1.- Personal Pronouns
1.- I (ay) = yo7.- We (ui) = nosostros
2.- You (iu) = tú8.- You (iu) = ustedes
3.- You (iu) – Ud.9.- They (tzhey) = ellos (personas)
4.- He (ji) = él10.- They (tzhey) = ellas (personas)
5.- She (shi) = ella11.- They (tzhey) = ellos/ellas
6.- It (iet) = animal o cosa (el o ella)12.- They (tzhey) = (animales o cosas)
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